Monday, 7 December 2009

Radio Script

This is the script which i have done for the Radio which would be promoting the Halloween documentary.
Micheal is the voice over from the documentary and he will be used as the voice over in the radio.

Opening song:
Opening of documentary (Things that go bump in the night)
Voice clips: Halloween Voice clips

Sound bed:
Halloween theme tune

Voice over Michael:
Are you interested in finding out where Halloween originates?

Voice over Michael:
Interested in knowing what lurks through the night?

Voice clip:
Wolf Howl and Evil Cackling witch

Voice over Michael:
Staying home alone on Halloween night?
Too scared to open the door?

Voice clips:
Zombies Moaning and Halloween House

Voice over Michael:
What are your opinions on Halloween?

Voice Clips:
People answering the questions from the documentary

Voice over Kelsey:
Things that go bump in the night which will be scheduled on Channel 4 at 9.30 on Halloween night.

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